FMCSA Announces Cost to Look Up a Query
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration announced that beginning on January 6, 2020 there will be a fee
to look up driver records aka a query. The price is $1.25 per query, regardless if it is a "limited" or a "full" query.
Limited queries are performed annually for current truck drivers and only say yes or no if any drug/alcohol
violations are listed in the Drug & Alcohol Clearinghouse. Full inquiries will reveal the specific drug/alcohol
violations committed by the driver and if he/she had undergone the required rehabilitation protocols. Queries
will be purchased in nineteen various quantity bundles from 1 to 7,500. There isn't a discount if you buy queries
in large bundles. However, the queries never expire so you won't have to re-purchase one every year or so. The
advantage of buying in bundles is to avoid the processing fee for each time the Clearinghouse is accessed. It is
the only way to allow third party administrators to perform queries for their motor carrier clients.